Monday, November 2, 2015

Sock Drawer Organization

My husband has to wear a suit most days to work, and that means he has to wear dress socks. He read somewhere that rolling dress socks instead of folding them would make the elastic in the tops last longer and let me tell you, that it has proven to be the case at our house. Even if your man only wears dress socks on Sundays, this is a nice way to organize them. Most of our socks are stored this way, so here ya go!
We have a good bit of closet space and storage elsewhere, so our 5 drawer dresser only holds undershirts, underwear, socks and my pajamas.
You're not seeing things. The drawer pulls are all different. Just one of the 53 projects I have going on. Don't worry about it, ok? Also, don't worry about the fact that one of the only five dresser drawers that we have is JAM PACKED with my pajamas. I have priorities. See previous Robe post.
 It's very important to keep black and blue dress socks separated, so we keep those in two separate drawers. Sometimes when rolling these socks, I have to move to a room with really good light, or grab something I know is black to be able to compare the colors. I'm not colorblind, but sometimes it's hard to tell for sure whether they're black or navy!
I usually start at the elastic top, and roll toward the toes.
I cannot remember where I actually bought these plastic drawer inserts, but they were not expensive. They have held up great. Here is an example on Amazon. There are all kinds of drawer organizers out there, so you can choose what works best for the depth and width of your drawers, as well as what you plan to store in there. We have a drawer full of hiking, hunting and athletic socks. I also roll those socks up, but since the drawer is full, I only use one of the plastic organizers in there and the socks all stay rolled up well.
I keep my socks, underwear and tights all in the same drawer. I got this big cloth organizer somewhere for very cheap, but here is a sample of something similar. I also have two of the cheaper plastic rectangles in there. I roll up all my socks and tights, and only fold over athletic socks. I took my underwear out of the drawer before I took a picture. You're welcome.

Our kids have socks, too! This is our daughter's top drawer in her desk. I roll all her socks and tights, and her little undies.
This is how I roll up those tiny lil undies.
I took the drawer all the way out to show how it is organized.
I have another of the plastic organizers to the left, and that middle box is the bottom part of a Melissa and Doug floor puzzle. Use what fits your space! And if it happens to be free, even better!!
Last up, I do not roll up the little boys' socks. I fold them up together like most people traditionally fold socks. They each have a $1 plastic bin in the top of their closets. Out of their reach!

Here are some other great ideas for drawer organization.
(I used this one in our junk drawer:) DIY Cereal Box Drawer Dividers

If you have socks with holes, if you have 14 pairs of the same sock, if you haven't worn a pair of
socks in 3 years -- toss them in the dusting rag pile, go dust some ceiling fans, and throw those suckers out! Every so often, all of our underwear needs to be reevaluated. Throw out ones that look gross or make you feel gross, or if you cannot remember the last time you purchased unmentionables for yourself, budget in some new undies. And have a great day!
Stay tuned! Next up is my take on The case of the Missing Socks!

1 comment:

  1. People love the appeal of custom made products. OEM sock designs are excellent options for people, but the problem is that sometimes designs get messed up in translation when the manufacturers get the designs.  baby kids socks online
