I'm here today talking all about our snack storage. I made my big Kroger run this morning, so the pantry is stocked for the rest of the week and this is how I go about storing snacks.
Those two maroon baskets are where I keep snacks.
I got my baskets at Dollar Tree, where everything is $1. I was in Dollar Tree Friday (Nov. 6, 2015) and here were some similar options in the store now. All for just $1 each.
First thing I do is dump out any leftover snacks that are still in there from the last time I filled 'er up.
Then, I start to portion out the snacks into "snack size" (AKA portion control) baggies.

My daughter is in elementary school, so I pack a lunch for her every day, as well as a morning snack. The boys go only one morning a week, so we eat at home for lunch most days. It is very helpful to already have a good bit of the food in snack bags so I can throw them into lunch boxes for school, or into my purse for a trip to the grocery store or even a visit to the park. When in doubt, always have a snack for kids (and you!). We do eat some of these snack-ey foods for lunches at home, so I don't portion them all out into baggies or I'd just be wasting the little bags. I stick the crackers that I know we'll probably eat for lunch in their full sleeves into the second snack box that I keep on the left side.
Here it is, and I this week it also has some chips leftover from a party.
I go ahead and make some peanut butter crackers and put those into the bags, and once they're all portioned out, I toss them into the basket. Then, I put the older snacks on top so we can eat those first. I am left with a few boxes that I cut Box Tops off of, then break down and take to the recycling bin. 

My snack boxes are all filled up and ready to grab for lunches or just if we're zooming out the door and I think the kids might need something while we're out. I also will tell my daughter, who is tall enough to see in there, she can grab a snack after school and she can really just choose whatever she wants. 
The snack boxes really come in handy and seem to save a little space in the pantry and a lot of time when I'm in a hurry. Hopefully this, or some version, can help you out as well!
Here are some similar ideas:
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