Monday, November 16, 2015

Lunchbox Thermos

Monday is here again! These weeks just seem to fly by.

Today, I'm sharing a lunchbox idea that my daughter loves. I bought this adorable thermos at Tuesday Morning over two years ago because it was cute. Guilty. It was $6.99 which turned out to be a great deal for this brand, but I really had no idea if we'd actually use it. Our daughter is in second grade and takes lunch to school most days. We use this thermos very often for all sorts of things, and today she took the meat and beans from one of our dinners this weekend. 
I put the meat (or soup, or spaghetti, or chicken) into a microwave safe bowl and heat it up at home. I heat it to a much warmer temperature than I would if she was eating it immediately. Then, I spoon it into the thermos.
I screw the top on and put it into her lunchbox. Today's lunch was burritos, so I put a large tortilla into a ziplock bag, and added shredded cheese into a separate snack bag. Then I put in a spoon so she could spoon the meat into the tortilla at lunchtime. We did not have any salsa this morning, but when we do I put it in a small container with a good top (that stuff is no fun when it spills).
I added a yogurt and juice box and there ya have it! Some lunches are healthier than others, but this one is hot and quick to put together. She loves Mexican food (not lunchroom Mexican food) so this will be such a treat for her.
In the past she has taken chili, taco soup, spaghetti, other pastas, and even chicken tenders. She says that the food is always still very warm at lunchtime (approximately 4.5 hours later), so that is pretty impressive!

I do not work anymore, but taking a thermos with leftovers would be a great idea for a quick, cheap lunch for those that do! This particular thermos has proven to be very easy to clean, as well. I don't think it's dishwasher safe, so I hand wash it, but it is nice and wide and is not tough to clean at all.

Here are some links to thermos options for lunches on the go.
Have a wonderful day!

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