Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Post-Christmas Deals

Hello small collection of readers!

I took a break from posting during the Christmas season, but I'll be back in business soon with some more fun and helpful posts. I wanted to pass along a few post-Christmas deals I have come across for now.

Remember Ngyugen : www.remembernguyen.com

I love this brand and have bought a few outfits before from another website. They apparently have a Bin Sale occasionally and put certain clothes for $5/$10/$15. Someone shared this on Facebook and I got several spring and summer smocked outfits for our daughter for $5 or $10 each. She is getting bigger and it's very hard to find smocked dresses and less mature clothes in her size, so I was very excited! Even since last night, several things had sold out this morning, so go check it out!

Extra 20% off Clearance.
If you take advantage of the Target Cartwheel App, be sure to add this one before your next shopping trip. It expires 1/2/16 and there is a limit of 20 items.
www.Kohls.com also has 20% off clearance items online.

Christmas Décor
This is the time of year to stock up on all things Christmas (for next year, of course!). If you were low on lights, grab an extra couple of boxes, or even an additional tree. I get entirely too excited to open up the cheapo things I bought in the previous year when I get out our decorations each year. Don't buy things you won't use, but if you need it anyway, get it now at a discounted price and store it until next year. I know Lowe's has most Christmas items at 50% off, and if you go in most any store, they have holiday items marked way down.
L.L.Bean always has free shipping, and now they have a pretty decent winter sale going on. www.llbean.com
Happy Shopping! And I probably won't be back until 2016, so Happy New Year!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Christmas Fun - Part Five

Displaying Pictures with Santa!

Visiting Santa and taking a picture in his lap is a yearly tradition for us, as it is for most families. I put our new annual photo in a simple black frame and love to have them out during the holidays. I usually just clear a shelf or two off and replace what is typically there with these pictures.  When Christmas is over, I wrap the frames up in plastic bags and store them with the rest of my Christmas decorations. I love getting them out each year! 

This is just another fun idea to make the holidays special for your family! 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Christmas Fun - Part Four

Continuing on the Holiday Tradition theme I've got going, I'll share our yearly gifts that are from mama each year to each child.

I buy each of our three children something special each year that is from me and they expect every year. Our daughter gets a snow globe every year. Our middle son gets a nutcracker (to add to the collection his daddy had growing up). Our youngest son gets an ornament for the tree that is some sort of vehicle.

I love the idea that the kids get something special from me and so far, our daughter always wants to open the gift from me first. Isn't that sweet? She can't wait to see what kind of snow globe she will get.

Ours boys are younger and haven't quite caught on that I get them the same thing every year, but I hope it's something they also look forward to opening every year.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Christmas Fun - Part Three

Christmas Wish Lists
Our kids are like most and love all sorts of toys. We are like most parents and know they don't need tons of toys. But, it's Christmas, so we do like to treat our little ones to an exciting Christmas morning! For the past couple of years, we have been making simple Christmas Wish Lists. I usually just print one on my computer. Here is where I got the idea: Christmas List Printable. The list typically has four categories {I Want, I Need, I'll Wear, I'll Read}.
I love the idea of keeping what they ask for to a minimum. This makes them really think about what they really would like and then anything extra can be a surprise from Santa, or from Mom and Dad.
I usually put the letter in an envelope once it's filled out, then stick it in the mailbox addressed to Santa. I always get the letter out of the mailbox and put it into each child's keepsake box to look at in the future, before the mail actually runs. I also take a picture of the lists to store on my shutterfly account, in case something ever happened to their boxes. Needless to say, the kids are not allowed to look through their boxes until they get older :).

It is so fun to get a glimpse into little ones' heads and live vicariously through them, especially at Christmas!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Christmas Fun - Part Two

To me, one of the neatest things about the holidays is continuing traditions and starting new ones. There are several little things we usually do during the month of December as a family. We have been taking the "putting the star on the tree" pictures for 7 years now. There are some pictures of my husband doing this same thing as a little boy. It is a special memory each year and it is the final stage to our tree decorating!
This is just one example of a fun holiday tradition we try to do every year (I couldn't find a picture from 2010 - hey! We're not perfect!). Our oldest is big enough now to remember doing things in years past and gets very excited to do the things "we've always done". It's a small part of what makes us our family. No matter what age your kids are, if you don't even have kids, it is fun to have holiday traditions! Maybe your kids will even want to continue them with their own families as they grow up. These days are precious!

We also have these traditions that we try to do each year (but we realize not everything can be done every year for one reason or another and that is okay!):
- Drive through the Galaxy of Lights
- Sit in Santa's lap
- Make Christmas wish lists
- Walk the Tinsel Trail
- Read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas
- Put out cookies for Santa and carrots for reindeer
- Elf on the Shelf
- Make handmade ornaments for our tree and grandparents'

What are some of your favorite holiday traditions??

Monday, November 30, 2015

Christmas Fun - Part One

Hi everybody! I've been MIA for a little bit enjoying Thanksgiving with family and friends, but I'm back and excited to share some Christmastime fun ideas!

I love decorating for Christmas {all seasons, really} but I am a "wait until after Thanksgiving" gal because I love fall décor, too. Well, it's the last day of November and even though it is dreary and rainy and yucky outside, we are getting the inside all ready for the holidays! I will share some of our traditions and fun things we like to do, as well as a few other decorative ideas.

Today I'm showing how I hung our stockings...with care.
I removed our fall decorations and dusted the mantle really well. I let it dry.
Our mantle is sort of thick, so the typical wreath hangers don't really hang low enough over the side to be helpful. The thought of a child intentionally {child 3} or unintentionally {child 1 and child 2} pulling on a stocking and the holder falling down on them also makes me uneasy.
I use Command Strips. I chose clear so they don't stand out too much.
Peel the backing off the wall side and press it down into the mantle really well where you want your stocking to hang.
I spaced my three out evenly and then peeled the other side off and pressed the plastic hook down really well on top.
There they are, hanging nicely and no one will be injured if one gets pulled down. I always add a few things to the mantle, so the hooks will be covered up eventually.
I got the Command hooks at Kroger, but you can find them most anywhere. That pack had 6 hooks and 12 strips, costing $6.
Our stockings are from L.L.Bean.
There are lots of cute ideas for hanging stockings if you don't have a mantle, or prefer them hung elsewhere. I hung ours on a coat rack one year. I think hanging them on the staircase would be so cute. Here are some great ideas!

Stay tuned for more fun and festive holiday ideas!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Cleaning a chalkboard

Who doesn't love a good chalkboard these days?! I love small ones, gigantic ones, walls painted with chalkboard paint. I've done them all. BUT, when it's time to really clean them, this is what has worked for me.

First of all, I read that you are supposed to "season" a chalkboard. That means you take a piece of chalk, turn it sideways and completely cover the chalkboard. Then, you wipe it off with a paper towel or eraser. If you don't do this, it is likely that whatever you draw onto the board the first time will be very hard to remove. Read here all about How to Prep + Season a Chalkboard.

This is generic Windex. It is indeed called "L.A.'s Totally Awesome Window Clean". I buy it at Dollar Tree and it works as well or better than Windex.
You guys, this gigantic chalkboard makes me so happy. It is beautiful. And I did not have to make it. Or pay for it! I highly suggest you get yourself a talented, beautiful, generous, crafty sister-in-law (or 4 or 5 like me) and let them make pretty things for you. I LOVE THIS THING. One of my many sisters-in-law (AKA my best friends) made this for me just because she is sweet as pie. I believe my buddy used this tutorial here: How To Make Your Own Chalkboard.
I made sure to season this guy before I started writing on it. Then I used a chalkboard pen. And it still did not want to wipe off easily, so I panicked and then started trying to clean it off with all the stuff in our cabinet. The Totally Awesome (haha) window cleaner is the only thing that really worked. I used a dry washcloth and started wiping it all over from top to bottom. 
Here she is all dry. You cannot see where I originally wrote "This has all been wonderful." and it makes me feel wonderful. 
And now I can use it as part of a baby shower decorations, or whatever I feel like and the window cleaner does a good job cleaning it off. Hip Hip Hooray!
Chalkboards belong in multiple locations in every room, wouldn't you agree??

Monday, November 16, 2015

Lunchbox Thermos

Monday is here again! These weeks just seem to fly by.

Today, I'm sharing a lunchbox idea that my daughter loves. I bought this adorable thermos at Tuesday Morning over two years ago because it was cute. Guilty. It was $6.99 which turned out to be a great deal for this brand, but I really had no idea if we'd actually use it. Our daughter is in second grade and takes lunch to school most days. We use this thermos very often for all sorts of things, and today she took the meat and beans from one of our dinners this weekend. 
I put the meat (or soup, or spaghetti, or chicken) into a microwave safe bowl and heat it up at home. I heat it to a much warmer temperature than I would if she was eating it immediately. Then, I spoon it into the thermos.
I screw the top on and put it into her lunchbox. Today's lunch was burritos, so I put a large tortilla into a ziplock bag, and added shredded cheese into a separate snack bag. Then I put in a spoon so she could spoon the meat into the tortilla at lunchtime. We did not have any salsa this morning, but when we do I put it in a small container with a good top (that stuff is no fun when it spills).
I added a yogurt and juice box and there ya have it! Some lunches are healthier than others, but this one is hot and quick to put together. She loves Mexican food (not lunchroom Mexican food) so this will be such a treat for her.
In the past she has taken chili, taco soup, spaghetti, other pastas, and even chicken tenders. She says that the food is always still very warm at lunchtime (approximately 4.5 hours later), so that is pretty impressive!

I do not work anymore, but taking a thermos with leftovers would be a great idea for a quick, cheap lunch for those that do! This particular thermos has proven to be very easy to clean, as well. I don't think it's dishwasher safe, so I hand wash it, but it is nice and wide and is not tough to clean at all.

Here are some links to thermos options for lunches on the go.
Have a wonderful day!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Snack Baskets

Happy Monday, everyone!

I'm here today talking all about our snack storage. I made my big Kroger run this morning, so the pantry is stocked for the rest of the week and this is how I go about storing snacks.

Those two maroon baskets are where I keep snacks.
I got my baskets at Dollar Tree, where everything is $1. I was in Dollar Tree Friday (Nov. 6, 2015) and here were some similar options in the store now. All for just $1 each.
These are the snack-ey foods I bought today to add to my basket.
First thing I do is dump out any leftover snacks that are still in there from the last time I filled 'er up.
Then, I start to portion out the snacks into "snack size" (AKA portion control) baggies.

My daughter is in elementary school, so I pack a lunch for her every day, as well as a morning snack. The boys go only one morning a week, so we eat at home for lunch most days. It is very helpful to already have a good bit of the food in snack bags so I can throw them into lunch boxes for school, or into my purse for a trip to the grocery store or even a visit to the park. When in doubt, always have a snack for kids (and you!). We do eat some of these snack-ey foods for lunches at home, so I don't portion them all out into baggies or I'd just be wasting the little bags. I stick the crackers that I know we'll probably eat for lunch in their full sleeves into the second snack box that I keep on the left side.
Here it is, and I this week it also has some chips leftover from a party.
I go ahead and make some peanut butter crackers and put those into the bags, and once they're all portioned out, I toss them into the basket. Then, I put the older snacks on top so we can eat those first. I am left with a few boxes that I cut Box Tops off of, then break down and take to the recycling bin.
My snack boxes are all filled up and ready to grab for lunches or just if we're zooming out the door and I think the kids might need something while we're out. I also will tell my daughter, who is tall enough to see in there, she can grab a snack after school and she can really just choose whatever she wants.
The snack boxes really come in handy and seem to save a little space in the pantry and a lot of time when I'm in a hurry. Hopefully this, or some version, can help you out as well!

Here are some similar ideas:
Have a wonderful week!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Case of the Missing Socks

Where are those missing socks????
I really don't have words of wisdom for not losing socks. I do have a few theories.
1. My husband washes his clothes. A lot. He never seems to misplace his socks. He is a great husband and some sort of wizard. Obviously. 
2. I blame the kids. They must steal my socks or shove them under couches or take them to a friend's house. They do the same thing with their own.
3. Maybe the dogs sneak them somewhere. I don't know. Homemade chew toys that they end up actually consuming? They just like to mess with me??
 What really happens is someone takes their socks off in the car and one falls out into the garage and stays there for weeks until I clean the garage out and I find a random sock that I throw in the wash with the next load. Or one ends up behind the laundry basket. And sometimes it really is our youngest who likes to hide things, specifically in the garbage can.
I have heard of people safety pinning socks together before they go into the wash. I don't care about socks THAT much. There are very few things I will go to that much effort for, and socks certainly don't fall into that category. Anyway, this is how I keep track of socks for my family.
Honestly, I don't have too much of an issue with losing socks. One here or there may go missing, but it's not a perpetual thing. I keep a cute little canvas bag hanging in our laundry room.
I love this bag!! My brother brought it back for me when he spent a year in Japan when I was a freshman in college. The front side is so funny. It says: "Do You Buy It? Elephant U.S. $2.00-!"
What on earth?
Well I love the bag, but it has a $2.00 elephant on it, so I just flip it around to hang and chuckle to myself when I take it down.
When I pull laundry out of the dryer and there is a sock with no mate, I toss it into this bag. Usually, once a week, at least every two weeks, I get completely caught up in laundry. That means everything is washed, dried and put away. It lasts about 11 seconds before someone gets yogurt all over their shirt or a diaper incident happens, but that's when I pull down my sock bag.
Most of the time, the mates are all in there together, so I fold/roll them up and put them where they belong. I bet they start singing "..so happy togeeetherr". Maybe not. Sometimes there are socks somewhere else (the garage floor..) and there are a few left in the bag without a mate. I hang the bag back up until next time I am caught up again on laundry. Typically, if the match for those same socks has not been found, I get rid of the single sock. I have NO REGRETS, PEOPLE! I use them to dust or sometimes put them in the craft area for sock puppets, but I don't keep single socks for long. Sorry, suckas!
I have come across a match for a sock months later that I knew I already threw out. Guess what? BuhBye.

Remember, we don't really lose socks that much, so throwing a few stragglers out feels just fine. We have some very nice socks that I would certainly investigate further to retrieve before I just started trashing those. I would let them hang out in the elephant bag for a while longer. Most of the nice socks are my husbands, though, and he's a wizard that knows how to keep his socks together. 

Y'all know by now I like to give you links to other options, so here ya go:
Have a great day!