Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Christmas Fun - Part Four

Continuing on the Holiday Tradition theme I've got going, I'll share our yearly gifts that are from mama each year to each child.

I buy each of our three children something special each year that is from me and they expect every year. Our daughter gets a snow globe every year. Our middle son gets a nutcracker (to add to the collection his daddy had growing up). Our youngest son gets an ornament for the tree that is some sort of vehicle.

I love the idea that the kids get something special from me and so far, our daughter always wants to open the gift from me first. Isn't that sweet? She can't wait to see what kind of snow globe she will get.

Ours boys are younger and haven't quite caught on that I get them the same thing every year, but I hope it's something they also look forward to opening every year.

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