Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Jammies Drawers

Most of our furniture was given to us and it sure has saved us a lot of money! I admit that I have moments that I long to walk into Pottery Barn or an antique store and just buy it all. Or even better, visit Joanna Gaines' storage unit. But then that passes and I'm happy to have our things (I won't say "pieces" because I remember my husband said that word gets on his nerves when he endures HGTV with me) that have history - furniture that my husband and I have memories growing up with. We were the ones that caused some of those dents and imperfections. I thought my mom was going to get rid of her bed one time --she didn't-- and even though I've never actually wanted it, I almost cried thinking about her not having it anymore. I remember spinning down the bedposts of that bed and it means something to me. What does that have to do with Jammies drawers, you ask? Well you first may have asked yourself what on earth are Jammies Drawers!! We call pajamas "jammies" at our house. There is a specific drawer in the dressers in our kids' rooms for jammies. Jammies Drawers. Cleared up, now.
The Jammies Drawers are both in dressers that belonged to our parents. We grew up with this furniture in our rooms, and now our children are. That's pretty special.

My brother's childhood desk that I painted for our daughter:
The changing table that was used by my in-laws:
Moving on.
I have been folding our kids clothes this way for about a year and I love it. I know for those that don't have little people with lots of laundry, how you fold your kids' pajamas is probably a ridiculous thing to care about. I understand. I am also the one who washes, dries and puts away all the clothes for these three little people and I am telling you that folding this way makes my life easier and happier.
This is the technique I use to make sure they fit into the drawers best. I do this without laying it in the floor, just in my lap, but I took these pictures in hopes that it would help you get a visual.
Cute little girly candy jammies, it's time to put you away.
Once they're in the drawer, we can see what is what and it all fits pretty nicely in there. Our daughter can choose her jammies each night without any trouble.
We have two boys, 4 and 2, that share a room and a Jammies Drawer. I use the same technique to fold the clothes. I have a dollar store plastic container to keep them separate. That little drawer also holds the jammies for each boy that match each other. If they have matching jammies, they may as well wear them at the same time. This makes it easy for me to find them.
The two year old can wear hand me downs from the last two winters. The four year old was given several pajamas and I got a few on sale last spring, so the second drawer actually is full of footed pajamas for this winter. I think footed pajamas are the cutest and I will be buying them for our kids as long as they can fit in them.
Yes. I'll take two sets of Carter's pajamas, please. Size 14-16.
Happy folding!

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