Monday, September 21, 2015

Grease is the Word

When I was in the sixth grade, I remember some friends talking about their favorite movie: a musical named Grease. I had never heard of this movie, so when they started describing high schoolers on the beach and some of the other scenes, I was thoroughly confused.

You see, the only Grease I had ever heard of was a country. Spelled Greece.
So, I was trying to imagine people in togas at a sleepover, dancing around and singing about cars.

I always think of that when I hear the word grease!

This kind of grease is even more annoying than the movie, which I don't care for.
I am bad to just throw stuff into the washing machine and straight into the dryer and hope for the best. These little oil spots show up and since I've already dried it, I'm in trouble. I would always spray it with stain treater and wash again, but that just never works. 
This stuff has saved grease spots several times. I use this Dawn Simply Clean, or just regular blue Dawn. We wash our pups with this, so I usually have plenty.
Squirt your grease spot, making sure to cover it completely.
Rub it in really well.
This time I let it sit overnight. I threw it in with another load of colors the following day in cold water. I hung it instead of drying it this time.
Completely dry, look how much better it looks!
I will iron it this time since it didn't go through the dryer, but the grease stain appeared to be completely gone. 

Happy de-greasing!

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