Friday, May 20, 2016

Grout Renew

Hello Friends, and Hello Friday!!
We have only 5 days left until the end of school and we are all looking forward to summer fun over here. I have several things on the agenda to share with you, so check back often!

Today I'm sharing how I updated our kitchen tile's grout. Our home has a pinkish tile throughout the kitchen floors, with a very dark grout. Since completely replacing the tile is not in the game plan right now, I thought I'd give this a try and I have been very pleased.
First off, because it was a large area, it took me about 2 weeks to finish. I would work for about 45 minutes most nights after the kids had gone to bed. I used a tiny little craft brush and just painted this stuff over the old grout lines.
I had to go slowly (not easy for me) and it was also tough on my back. That being said, the bottle cost me $12.50 and I used right at half the bottle for the kitchen, which is a pretty good size. It has been 8 months since I did this and it has held up great. I haven't noticed it chipping much or anything, but when I feel like any areas may need to be touched up, I still have plenty of it to do just that.

If replacing your tile is just not an option, but you want to brighten or clean up your grout, give this a try! I only found this brand at The Home Depot and nothing really similar at Lowe's.

Here are links to the brand and color I used. There are several choices out there:
Polyblend Grout Renew - The Home Depot - $12.47
Polyblend Grout Renew - Amazon - $33.64

And links to some others who have done this as well:
Young House Love

Have a wonderful weekend!

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